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  • API SPEC 7-1 4 1/2 Inch Heavy Weight Drill Pipe

API SPEC 7-1 4 1/2 Inch Heavy Weight Drill Pipe


4 1/2-Inch Heavy Weight Drill Pipe - Building a Robust Foundation for Challenging Drilling

Product Overview

The 4 1/2-inch AISI 4145H special steel heavy-weight drill pipe is designed according to the international standard API SPEC 7-1, boasting exceptional durability and stability, suitable for complex geological environments and challenging drilling tasks.

Key Features

  • Compliance with API SPEC 7-1: Adheres to the international drilling industry standard, ensuring product quality and performance.

  • Material: Manufactured using high-strength AISI 4145H special steel, providing increased strength and durability.

  • Diameter: 4 1/2 inches (approximately 114 millimeters).

  • Applicable Environments: Ideal for deep and complex geological drilling, such as oil and gas exploration and development.

  • Supportive Functionality: Provides a stable connection for torque and thrust transmission, supporting the normal operation of the drill bit.

  • Durability: Ensures sustainability and long-term usage, guaranteeing high strength and enduring performance.

Applications and Advantages

  • Geological Exploration: Suited for deep-sea exploration and drilling in complex geological layers, offering stability and reliable support

  • Oilfield Drilling: Essential as a key component in drilling operations, ensuring smooth drilling processes.

  • Challenging Tasks: Excellently performs in high-pressure and high-load environments, adaptable for various challenging missions.

Joint outer
Joint inside
Connecting threadSlip max.
Upset middle
Min. drift
3 1/23 1/22 1/44 3/42 1/4NC383 7/842
2  1/16(4 7/ 8,5)2  1/161 13/16
442 1/25 1/42 1/2NC4043/164 1/22 1/4
2  9/162  9/162  5/16
4 1/24 1/22 11/166 1/42 11/16NC464 11/1652  7/16
2 3/42 3/42 1/2
2 13/162 13/162  9/16
5536 5/83NC505 1/85 1/22 3/4
5 1/25 1/23 1/473 1/45 1/2 FH5 11/1663
3 3/8(7 1/4,7 1/2)3 3/83 1/8
3 7/8
3 7/83 5/8
43 3/4
6 5/86 5/84846 5/8 FH6 15/167 1/83 3/4
4 1/2(8 1/4.8 1/2)4 1/24 1/4
54 3/4

Standards Compliance and Quality Assurance

  • API SPEC 7-1 Certification: Conforms to the international API SPEC 7-1 standard, ensuring compliance with global drilling industry requirements.

  • AISI 4145H Special Steel Material: Utilizes high-quality special steel, ensuring product quality and performance.

After-sales Service and Quality Assurance

  • Technical Support: Provides professional technical assistance, ensuring smooth operations for customers.

  • Quality Guarantee: Compliant with API SPEC 7-1 standards, ensuring high quality and performance.

The 4 1/2-inch AISI 4145H special steel heavy-weight drill pipe, compliant with international standards and crafted from high-quality materials, is an excellent choice for challenging drilling environments. Contact us to explore more about how this product supports your project requirements.


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